HC Deb 24 April 1961 vol 639 cc30-1
43. Mr. K. Robinson

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that many hospitals have done little or nothing to implement the recommendations of the Platt Report on Children in Hospital, which were accepted by him; whether he has now collated the replies sent to him by hospital authorities on this subject; and what further steps he proposes to take.

Mr. Powell

The replies have been collated and I intend to publish a summary in my Annual Report. I am satisfied that the Platt Report has been thoroughly studied and that its major recommendations have been widely accepted. Implementation of some depends on new building and staffing. I shall pursue these matters with individual hospital authorities as occasion offers.

Mr. Robinson

Would not the Minister agree that the implementation of these recommendations has been disappointingly slow and that very few hospitals have even introduced a system of unrestricted visiting, but that those which have done so have found it thoroughly satisfactory for the parents and children concerned? Will he press forward with trying to get the fullest implementation of these very humane and reasonable recommendations?

Mr. Powell

Yes, indeed, and I entirely agree with what the hon. Member says about unrestricted visiting. But I think that the most effective way to follow up the Report is individually in the light of individual returns.

Mr. Robinson

Would the Minister consider publishing a list of those hospitals which allow unrestricted visiting and those which allow the mother to attend hospital with a child under five years of age?

Mr. Powell

The numbers are very large and I do not know whether it would be a good idea to burden the OFFICIAL REPORT with them. Perhaps the hon. Member and I could look at them.