HC Deb 30 November 1960 vol 631 cc368-9
11. Mr. Ellis Smith

asked the Minister of Labour if he will now make a full statement on the consultations and negotiations which have taken place for some months between his department and the Professional Football Players' Association, the Football League and the Football Association, with particular reference to the meeting held on 22nd November; on what date the meetings started; on what dates other meetings have been held, and with what results; and what further action is to be taken.

Mr. Hare

Following a request from the Players' Association for assistance in settling its differences with the Football League, my officers met its representatives on 3rd May, and on 13th May saw representatives of the Football League and the Football Association. As a result a meeting of all three parties was held on 22nd June, when arrangements were made for the Players' Association to let my Department have full details of all outstanding differences. These were discussed on 4th August at a meeting at my Ministry and were referred to the League's Management Committee. After a further meeting on 3rd November, an extraordinary general meeting of the League was held on 8th November. The outcome of this was unsatisfactory to the Players' Association, which held meetings of its members.

Negotiations were resumed at my Ministry on 22nd November and proposals will be placed before the League's Management Committee on 4th December. A further meeting of all parties will be held at my Ministry on 5th December. A meeting of the League clubs will follow on 9th December.

Mr. Ellis Smith

Will the Minister convey to his Chief National Conciliation Officer the appreciation of all those who have been involved in these proceedings of the patient manner in which he has dealt with them? Has not the time arrived when the Minister should take a personal interest in this matter in order to prevent what could become a very serious conflict? Is he aware that several national tribunal decisions going back as far as 1947 have not yet been implemented? In view of this, will he take the chair at a joint meeting in order to avoid an open conflict?

Mr. Hare

I very much appreciate the first part of the hon. Gentleman's supplementary question. I will certainly convey his views to the officer responsible. As to the second part, I think the hon. Member will agree that he must leave this to my judgment. I am taking a very great personal interest in this matter. It does not matter who takes the meeting—whether it is me or anybody else. What we want to achieve is a successful result. I hope that the hon. Member will accept my assurance that I take a very considerable interest in the matter and that any help which I or my Ministry can give will be forthcoming.