HC Deb 16 November 1960 vol 630 cc358-9
9. Mr. Stonehouse

asked the Minister of Defence whether nuclear weapons and warheads are now stocked at the military bases in Kenya.

Mr. Watkinson

As the hon. Member knows, it is the practice not to confirm or deny the presence of nuclear weapons at particular sites.

Mr. Stonehouse

Is the Minister aware that that reply, which does not deny a much-quoted report which appeared in the Express, will be received with some dismay in Kenya, in view of the fact that the people of Kenya want to be assured that they are being consulted in this matter of life and death? Wild he ensure that before any decision is made about the stocking of nuclear weapons in Kenya there will be the fullest possible consultation with representatives of local opinion?

Mr. Watkinson

I must make plain what I said, and that is that it is a longstanding practice in this House not to confirm or deny the presence of nuclear weapons.

Mr. Paget

Whether the right hon. Gentleman confirms or denies this, will he tell us that he is taking every step to distribute our deterrent as widely as possible? Is he aware that for the last ten years I have urged that this island is an unsuitable base for the deterrent and that it should be dispersed throughout the Commonwealth?

Mr. Watkinson

I think the hon. and learned Gentleman's supplementary question is quite happily accommodated with the previous answer I gave.

Mr. Stonehouse

On a point of order. In view of the Minister's failure to answer the second part of my supplementary and to give an assurance on the question of consultation——

Mr. Speaker

Order. I have repeatedly asked hon. Members to confine themselves to the traditional formula.

Mr. Stonehouse

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I shall seek leave to raise this question on the Adjournment.