HC Deb 08 November 1960 vol 629 cc814-5
31. Mr. Woof

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs what communication he has sent to Whickham Urban District Council, County Durham, regarding their failure to appoint a surveyor; and what reply he has received.

Sir K. Joseph

My right hon. Friend's only communication to Whickham Urban District Council on this matter has been the letter of 10th July, a copy of which was sent to the hon. Member on the same day. This letter did not require a reply, and none has been received, but I note that the council has now advertised the vacancy.

Mr. Woof

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that up to 20th September no such information was ever revealed to the council? Is he also aware that when the clerk of the council was challenged with withholding such important advice, he advanced the lamentable excuse that it arose through submission to the Boundary Commission? Will he make it clear to the council that this was not the case, and will he further consider what action he can take to impress upon the elected members of the council the need for it not to act as a one-man-band council, conducted by the clerk?

Sir K. Joseph

In my letter to the hon. Gentleman I said that the answer to the sort of complaints being made rested primarily in the electors' hands, but I very much hope that the vacancy advertised by the council will soon be filled.