HC Deb 03 November 1960 vol 629 cc366-7
Mr. Speaker

I have a communication to make to the House.

A ballot of the staff of the House was held on 13th July on the question of staff association or trade union representation and the results will be printed in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Hon. Members will see that seven of the nine groups of staff were either unanimously or by a large majority in favour of the present system of dealing with their pay and conditions of service being continued. In the remaining two groups, the attendants and the HANSARD staff, the latter unanimously and the other by a majority, were in favour of representation by a staff association or trade union on these matters.

If the organisations which have membership amongst the staff in these two groups apply to me for recognition I will consider their applications and, where recognition is conceded, will make arrangements whereby members of the staff in these two groups can have their claims put forward by a representative of the recognised organisation to which they belong when questions affecting their pay and conditions of work arise.

There is one exceptional case. Those shorthand typists who work with HANSARD have asked to be allowed to fall in with any arrangements made for other members of the HANSARD staff and I propose that that should be so.

Result of ballot held in the Grand Committee Room, Westminster Hall, on Wednesday, 13th July A ballot of the staff of the House was held on the question of staff association or trade union representation. The alternatives on which votes were recorded were:

  1. A. I wish the present system of dealing with questions of pay and conditions of service, etc., to continue.
  2. B. I wish to be represented by a staff association or trade union on questions of pay and conditions of service, etc.
Numbers of votes recorded
Group 1. Officers of the House
A. 42
B. 8
Total 50
Number eligible to vote 52
Group 2. Office Clerk Grades
A 28
B. 6
Total 34
Number eligible to vote 34
Group 3. Personal Assistants and Shorthand Typists
A. 13
B. 6
Total 19
Number eligible to vote 20
Group 4. Senior Attendants, Attendants and Junior Attendants
A. 17
B. 21
Total 38
Number eligible to vote 44
Group 5. Cleaners
A. 28
B. 2
Total 30
Number eligible to vote 31
Group 6. Hansard Staff
B. 22
Total 22
Number eligible to vote 22
Group 7. Office Keepers and Superintendents
A. 10
B. 2
Total 12
Number eligible to vote 12
Group 8. Doorkeepers
A. 34
Total 34
Number eligible to vote 34
Group 9. Miscellaneous Grades
A. 9
Total 9
Number eligible to vote 16