HC Deb 24 May 1960 vol 624 cc216-7
The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. R. A. Butler)

We have been considering when we should make time available for discussion of the Motion standing in the name of the hon. Member for South Ayrshire (Mr. Emrys Hughes), relating to Mr. Speaker and the rights of Members.

It is proposed to take this Motion as first business on Monday next, 30th May. We hope that it will not occupy an undue amount of time in view of the important debate which is to follow.

[That this House views with regret the failure of Mr. Speaker on the occasion of the Prime Minister's statement on the failure of the Summit Conference to allow questions to be put by any private member not a Privy Councillor or Front Bench spokesman on the Opposition side of the House.]

Mr. Gaitskell

In view of that decision, would the right hon. Gentleman agree to an extension of the time for the debate on the Summit Conference, say by one hour?

Mr. Butler

I think that we had better discuss that through the usual channels. I do not think that it is vitally necessary that this Motion should take a great deal of time.

Mr. Emrys Hughes

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that I tabled the Motion only out of courtesy to the request of Mr. Speaker? It was not my original intention to propose any action which might result in Mr. Speaker retiring to a Governor-Generalship in Australia.

Mr. Butler

In that case, there is only one logical conclusion from the hon. Member's remarks, that, with the same exquisite courtesy, he should withdraw the Motion.

Mr. Emrys Hughes indicated dissent.