HC Deb 04 May 1960 vol 622 c1053
1. Mr. Driberg

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty the cost of construction of H.M.S. "Jaguar"; what mechanical defects have been found in her; whether these have been repaired, and at what extra cost; and what the future use of this ship is to be.

The Civil Lord of the Admiralty (Mr. C. Ian Orr-Ewing)

As was shown on pages 226–227 of the current Navy Estimates, the estimated building cost of H.M.S. "Jaguar" was £3,772,000.

Shortly after commissioning the lubricating oil proved gritty, and her main engines were contaminated. The necessary repairs are being put in hand but, pending further investigation, no estimate of the cost is at present available.

When repaired H.M.S. "Jaguar" will resume here place in the squadron which provides the frigates on the South Atlantic and South America station.

Mr. Driberg

Could the Civil Lord say whether a court of inquiry into this strange mishap has been held and what the findings of that court were?

Mr. Orr-Ewing

A board of inquiry has been held and we are at present considering its findings.