HC Deb 04 May 1960 vol 622 cc1073-4
37. Mr. Mayhew

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is yet in a position to announce the membership and terms of reference of the proposed committee of inquiry into the future of broadcasts.

Mr. Bevins

No, Sir.

Mr. Mayhew

Is the Minister aware that it is now some months since he agreed that much needed to be done by way of legislation and the inquiry itself before the B.B.C. charter runs out and the Television Act expires? Why is there this delay? Is it true that he is having difficulty in finding people of standing who are not strongly opposed to commercial broadcasting?

Mr. Bevins

I appreciate all the considerations which the hon. Member has in mind, but at this moment I am not in the position to add to what I have said.

Sir R. Grimston

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that it is only about ten years since we had a Royal Commission on this matter, whose advice was not followed? It would therefore seem unnecessary to have another full-scale inquiry. Further, if inquiries are in the air, will my right hon. Friend consider an inquiry in regard to the report in today's Daily Telegraph that the B.B.C. is usurping the functions of the I.T.A. in holding an inquiry into the financial structure of the television broadcasting companies, which is not the Corporation's business at all?

Mr. Bevins

So far as I am aware, there has been no suggestion of a Royal Commission. As for the report in this morning's newspapers about the activities of the B.B.C, that does not arise out of this Question.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Do I understand from what the right hon. Gentleman has said that, although he is not yet ready to make an announcement, he will be ready to make it next week?

Mr. Bevins

I am not prepared to go that far, but I can assure the right hon. Gentleman that we are not allowing the grass to grow under our feet.

Captain Orr

Is it not true that all the facts in this field, technically and otherwise, are now very well known, and that the decisions involved are political, which means that there is no need even for a committee of inquiry?

Mr. Bevins

I only wish that what my hon. Friend has said was true. I have found the greatest differences of view among the experts, even on technical questions.