HC Deb 02 May 1960 vol 622 c685
33. Mrs. Castle

asked the Minister of Health whether he is now in a position to make a statement about the pay of hospital cadets.

Mr. Walker-Smith

Yes, Sir. I have authorised increases in the maximum rates of pay with effect from 1st January, 1960.

Mrs. Castle

Is the Minister aware that these increases are a net increase of less than £10 a year to cover the whole period from 1957, and, though welcome, are very modest indeed? I thank the Minister for this announcement, but in view of that, will he seriously consider back-dating these increases to March, 1959, the time of the last pay increase to nurses with whose rates of advance hospital cadets have up to now kept pace?

Mr. Walker-Smith

There is no automatic link between the pay of hospital nurses and cadets. The increases which they have received are in fact in line with increases negotiated in the Nurses and Midwives Council for students in residential nurseries, and, percentage-wise, they are also in line with the increases for student nurses; so I think we really have done about the right thing on this.