HC Deb 30 March 1960 vol 620 c1306
11. Mr. Dodds

asked the Minister of Transport, in view of the decision of the Dutch Government to refuse entry to foreign vehicles not carrying nationality plates, what other countries require motorists going abroad from Great Britain to display G.B. plates.

Mr. Hay

Under both the 1926 International Convention on Motor Traffic and the 1949 Convention on Road and Motor Transport motor vehicles must display nationality plates if they are to be granted the privileges of those Conventions. Apart from the United Kingdom, there are 104 countries and territories party to these Conventions; I have no information about how many of these enforce the requirement to the point of refusing entry to vehicles not carrying nationality plates.

Mr. Dodds

Is not that a little vague? If a person wants to take his car to the Continent for his holiday, must he have nationality plates on it?

Mr. Hay

The answer to that question is, Yes, Sir, he must do so under the Convention.