HC Deb 30 March 1960 vol 620 cc1299-300
9. Sir W. Wakefield

asked the Minister of Transport when it is proposed to provide a dual carriageway on the A.6 road at Three Mile Hill, Helsington, in the county of Westmorland, in view of its dangerous condition, which has resulted in sixty-nine accidents on this stretch of road during the last four years, with three deaths in the last six months.

The Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport (Mr. John Hay)

This scheme will be started as soon as entry to the necessary land is obtained.

Sir W. Wakefield

But is the Joint Parliamentary Secretary aware that this has gone on for several years and that the delays over the acquisition of land have not been taking place at the Westmorland end but in his Department? Will my hon. Friend look into this matter, because it is one of real urgency? People are being killed, it is a dangerous piece of road and the delay is taking place in his Department.

Mr. Hay

With respect, I think my hon. Friend is wrong in saying that the delay is entirely due to us. Originally we had a small scheme for the removal of a black spot. It was then decided, rightly, to make the scheme larger and to provide a length of dual carriageway. In recent weeks we have been held up a little over the landscaping of this section which I think my hon. Friend knows runs through an area of great natural beauty. We are endeavouring to get on with the scheme as soon as we can get entry to the land.