HC Deb 29 March 1960 vol 620 cc1121-2
33. Mr. Awbery

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs if he is aware of the general misunderstanding arising out of compulsory purchase orders and other acts dealing with the acquisition of land for various purposes in Bristol and other local authorities; and if he will publish a leaflet explaining in simple language the rights of owner-occupiers, land owners and local authorities.

Mr. H. Brooke

I have heard that there has been some misunderstanding in Bristol about the effect of a slum clearance compulsory purchase order. But it has not come to my knowledge that any similar misunderstanding has arisen anywhere else, and I am sure that local authorities will supply any further explanation that is required in particular cases, as indeed I understand that the Bristol City Council is doing in this instance.

Mr. Awbery

Is the Minister aware that several other Ministries issue pamphlets explaining the details of their schemes? In view of the misunderstanding that he knows exists in Bristol, will he issue a pamphlet explaining how compulsory purchase orders are initiated, the duties of local authorities under those compulsory purchase orders, and also the rights of owner-occupiers when these orders are made? Perhaps the Minister will do that.

Mr. Brooke

All this is set out in the documents now. I am afraid that inevitably they are complicated and, though I want to help ordinary tenants and owners as much as possible, my concern would be lest, by trying to set out the facts too simply, I should in fact mislead somebody as to the state of the law. I think really it is best to rely on the present regulations and to encourage every local authority to accompany with its own explanation any notice it sends out.

Mr. Awbery

The owner-occupier cannot go through all the regulations and Acts of Parliament. If the Minister or his Ministry could set out some of these Acts of Parliament and concessions so that people could understand them, that would be far better than the present situation.

Mr. Brooke

I have a great deal of sympathy with that. At the same time, I know that the House will recognise the danger of trying to get Acts of Parliament into simple language, because one sometimes may then mislead people about what is their precise legal position.