HC Deb 16 March 1960 vol 619 c1288
20. Mr. Mathew

asked the Minister of Transport if he will take steps so that the courts may have the power in their discretion to require persons convicted by them of drunken driving or other serious driving offences to display a distinctive yellow and black diamond sign on the windscreen of any car such persons may drive within up to five years of such conviction.

Mr. Marples

No, Sir. I am satisfied that the penalties for driving offences prescribed in the Road Traffic Acts are adequate.

Mr. Mathew

Does not my right hon. Friend consider that in the worst cases of dangerous driving and drunken driving this would act as a deterrent at least as effective as the alternative of imprisonment, while being far cheaper for the taxpayer?

Mr. Marples

No. If there has been dangerous driving or drunken driving, the right thing to do is to disqualify the man from driving. There is no point in allowing him to go on the road and display his guilt publicly. It is better to withdraw his licence.