HC Deb 15 March 1960 vol 619 cc1104-5
27. Sir R. Robinson

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether a committee has yet been appointed to review the problem of extending the summer holiday season; and what are its terms of reference.

Mr. J. Rodgers

Yes, Sir. The Committee, under the chairmanship of a senior member of my Department, will be composed of representatives from the Treasury, Home Office, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Labour and the Scottish Education Department. Representatives of the Welsh Office and of the Government of Northern Ireland will also be associated with the work of the Committee and free to join its deliberations as necessary.

The Committee's terms of reference will be "To consider what action the Government can take to encourage the extension of the summer holiday season in Great Britain in order to relieve congestion at the peak holiday period; to consult the interests concerned; and to make recommendations."

Sir R. Robinson

Will my hon. Friend say what facilities will be available to interested parties to make representations to this Committee?

Mr. Rodgers

Representations can be made by independent organisations to this official Committee, and of course the British Travel and Holidays Association will be closely associated with the Committee during its entire work.

Mr. Ellis Smith

I may have missed it and I am not complaining, but may I ask whether industry is to be represented on the Committee? In view of the fact that the trade unions are seriously involved, with their millions of members, are they to be represented?

Mr. Rodgers

The trade unions can make representations, but this is an official Committee consisting entirely of civil servants.

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