§ 36. Mr. Awberyasked the Minister of Transport, in view of the current withdrawal of Royal Air Force and Royal Navy helicopters, which in the past have performed rescue services around the coast in conjunction with the lifeboat service, if he will introduce legislation to give him powers to establish helicopter rescue services in all parts of the coast where they may be needed; and if, in framing such legislation, he will seek the advice of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.
§ Mr. HayNeither my noble Friend, the First Lord of the Admiralty, nor my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Air, has made any withdrawal of helicopters from service which would justify the action the hon. Member proposes.
§ Mr. AwberyIs the Minister aware that the services of the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy are greatly appreciated by the people, but some of these depots are being closed down and a vacuum will be left in places round our coasts? In conjunction with the lifeboat service, will the hon. Gentleman see whether that vacuum can be filled by some kind of helicopter service?
§ Mr. HayI know of the hon. Member's interest in this subject, on which he has asked a number of Questions from time to time, but the availability of Service helicopters for search for and rescue of civilian casualties round the coasts depends upon the operational requirements of the two Services. There are from time to time changes in the availability of helicopters in different areas. There is little we can do about that, but there is a full coverage of the coasts even today.