HC Deb 08 March 1960 vol 619 cc227-8
26. Miss Herbison

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many beds are devoted to patients suffering from rheumatism in the hospitals covered by the Western Regional Hospital Board.

Mr. Galbraith

Patients suffering from rheumatism are treated mainly in the general medical wards of hospitals. There are, however, thirty beds at Killearn Hospital devoted specifically to the treatment of rheumatism.

Miss Herbison

Is it not clear from the Minister's reply that there are only thirty beds put aside for the specific treatment of rheumatism, and that there is a dearth of proper accommodation for such patients in the west of Scotland? Is the hon. Gentleman aware that many medical people in the west of Scotland deplore the position?

Mr. Galbraith

I think that the hon. Lady knows that the regional board is at present considering the establishment of a special rheumatism unit in Glasgow.

Miss Herbison

Surely the Minister is aware that it has been considering this since 1957, and that a decision ought to have been taken a considerable time ago.

27. Miss Herbison

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the extent of the facilities for rheumatological research in the Western Infirmary, Glasgow.

Mr. Galbraith

A research unit established by the Medical Research Council undertakes research into certain aspects of this problem. It has its own staff of doctors and other research workers, fourteen beds for patients and laboratory and associated facilities.

Miss Herbison

Is the Minister aware that again this is not considered nearly sufficient for this area in Scotland? Since that is the case, will he do everything possible to expedite the provision of further facilities at Belvidere Hospital?

Mr. Galbraith

I would not like to be tied down to Belvidere Hospital, but in general my right hon. Friend is anxious to proceed in this matter.

Miss Herbison

Because of the Answers which I received last week, and the unsatisfactory nature of the replies that I have had to two Questions today, I beg to give notice that I shall raise this matter on the Adjournment at the earliest possible moment.

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