HC Deb 02 March 1960 vol 618 cc1204-6
18. Mr. P. Browne

asked the Postmaster-General if he will expedite his plans for installing low-power satellite transmitters in areas remote from main transmitters in order to improve television reception.

The Postmaster-General (Mr. Reginald Bevins)

The B.B.C. is pressing on as fast as it can with the fourteen television satellite stations announced on 24th June, 1959. It is also preparing its plans for the next stage of its scheme.

The I.T.A. is still busy completing its main network stations which include stations to serve South West England. The I.T.A. tells me that it is not yet in a position to propose plans for smaller stations in areas not adequately served at present.

Mr. Browne

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that we pay exactly the same price for our television licences as do those in other parts of the country but that reception in our area is extremely bad? Is he aware that, to say the least, it is extremely frustrating particularly when one wants to watch such a show as the "Television Toppers"? Would my right hon. Friend please try to expedite the provision of this satellite station?

Mr. Bevins

Yes, Sir, but so far I have not had proposals from the B.B.C. affecting that area. I realise that reception is bad.

Mr. Watkins

Can the Postmaster-General say how many stations which were mentioned last June are already in operation?

Mr. Bevins

To the best of my knowledge, I do not think that any have been completed. They take 12 to 18 months to put up.

Mr. Watkins

May I ask the Postmaster-General again—

Hon. Members


Mr. Watkins

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware—

Hon. Members


Mr. Speaker

These exclamations of enthusiasm do not assist progress with Questions.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

On a point of order.

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Member for Brecon and Radnor (Mr. Watkins) is in the middle of asking a question.

Mr. Watkins

I hope, Mr. Speaker, that I am not one of those who are too enthusiastic in that sense, but is it not right that I should be allowed to ask a question of the Postmaster-General and inquire whether my constituents can see the right hon. Gentleman in the House some time?

Mr. Speaker

I wish that the hon. Member would get on with the question.

Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

On a point of order. It is extremely difficult to ask supplementary questions because of the bad behaviour of hon. Members on the third bench opposite.

Mr. Speaker

Do not let us have competition in bad behaviour. Let us progress.

Mr. Watkins

Could not the Postmaster-General get the B.B.C. to expedite the provision of some of these stations about which an announcement was made last June? Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a satellite station in my constituency was mentioned then but no work has been started on it?

Mr. Bevins

The announcement was made by my predecessor in the middle of 1959, but the B.B.C. is getting on with this as quickly as it can.

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