HC Deb 01 March 1960 vol 618 cc1022-3
36. Mr. Grimond

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will form a Highland development board to take the place of some of the existing machinery for dealing with Highland problems.

Mr. Maclay

No, Sir. The Government are not convinced that the appointment of a new board is needed or would be effective.

Mr. Grimond

While some existing authorities, such as the one on which I have the honour to serve, are particularly good, is it not the case that many of their recommendations lie unimplemented, that the situation is changing owing to the new Act and that there is need for executive action in the Highlands? If the Secretary of State will not set up a board, will he give an undertaking to review the situation?

Mr. Maclay

The hon. Member will be aware that, in addition to local authorities and the Panel on which he serves, there are many specialised bodies dealing with various aspects of the Highland problem. Some specialisation is essential, and I am not convinced that yet another body would add to the effectiveness of the existing bodies. My mind is not completely closed on the matter, and I will go on watching it.