HC Deb 23 June 1960 vol 625 c672
34. Mr. Janner

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what standing orders he has made for urban zoos in respect of the importation of animals; whether he will make a standing order in this respect for animals of all zoos; and what was the cost of preparing, printing, and issuing the order of 30th May authorising the landing of a number of animals, including two duikers and one dik-dik.

Mr. Godber

There are standing orders for London, Edinburgh and Chester zoos, and my right hon. Friend is considering how far on animal health grounds he would be justified in making more orders of this kind. Each separate landing order costs about £14.

Mr. Janner

While appreciating the fact that some orders have already been made, does not the Minister think that it is a waste of money, for a few dik-diks and duikers, to have to have a separate order costing £14 a time? It may be of interest for zoological purposes, but, from the point of view of expenditure, does he not think that he should have a general standing order and allow these animals in?

Mr. Godber

I thought that my right hon. Friend had already explained to the hon. Member that he has taken some action in this respect. I remind the House that duikers are very important animals. [HON. MEMBERS: "What is a duiker?"] It is a small African antelope which is well known for its habit of diving into the bush when attacked. I suggest that hon. Members opposite might derive some benefit from following its example.

Sir J. Duncan

May I ask my hon. Friend, in the interest of the health of the livestock of this country, to be very careful before he allows any liberalisation of the importation of duikers or anything else?

Mr. Godber


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