HC Deb 01 June 1960 vol 624 c1427
35. Mr. Fernyhough

asked the Minister of Transport the estimated cost of the Tyne tunnel project; and his estimate of the number of persons who will be employed thereon.

Mr. Hay

It is estimated that the tunnel and its approach roads will cost £12.6 million. About 500 men may be employed on the tunnel and 300 on the approach works at the peak.

Mr. Fernyhough

Can the Joint Parliamentary Secretary say what proportion of the cost will be borne by the Government? Can he give an approximate date when the project will start? Will he try to let us get on with the approach roads as quickly as possible so that those now unemployed in Jarrow may be given the work which they are seeking?

Mr. Hay

As I have said, the total cost will be about £12.6 million. We shall make an outright grant of £3 million and the county councils jointly will contribute £1 million. We will also be advancing 75 per cent. of the balance, about £6.4 million, as a loan, and the councils will raise a loan in respect of the remainder, about £2.1 million. Both loans will be recovered from tolls to be levied on the traffic. The position about timing is that no contracts have yet been let as the project still requires the authority of Parliament The necessary Measure should receive the Royal Assent in July, in which case work would start in late autumn and would take about six years to complete.

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