HC Deb 28 July 1960 vol 627 c1859
34. Mr. Hector Hughes

asked the Minister of Education, as representing the Minister for Science, if he will specify the lochs in Scotland which are included in the nature reserves in which the Nature Conservancy studies, under the authority of his Department, the relevant flora and fauna, indicating recent discoveries of new species or hitherto unknown species of flora and fauna recently found there.

Sir D. Eccles

The Nature Conservancy's Reserves in Scotland contain a great number of lochs mostly quite small, the largest being Loch Druidibeg in South Uist and Loch Einich and Loch an Eilean in the Cairngorms. I am informed that no species new to science have been discovered in these lochs—at least in recent years.

Mr. Hughes

The Minister did not mention the loch most in the public mind, Loch Ness. Does he realise that there is a great public and scientific interest in the peculiar contents and potentialities of that loch? Would it not be better that its exploration should be made under Governmental authority rather than by private explorers? In the public interest, will he take steps to that desirable end?

Sir D. Eccles

My noble Friend—[HON. MEMBERS: "Which one?"]—the Minister for Science—feels that there would be some advantage in leaving this question mysterious and not too carefully looked at.