HC Deb 28 July 1960 vol 627 cc1852-3
30. Dr. King

asked the Minister of Education what percentage of all grammar school entrants passed the General Certificate Examination in 1959 in five subjects or more at Ordinary level.

Sir D. Eccles

I estimate that over 40 per cent. of candidates from grammar schools offering subjects only at the Ordinary level of the General Certificate of Education examination in the summer of 1959 passed in five or more subjects.

Dr. King

Is the Minister aware that, while it is important that we should have a school leaving examination which tests the calibre of our ablest youngsters, it is also important that there should be an examination so that the less able child who has worked to the best of his ability during his school life gets some recognition of that fact? Will he give consideration to that?

Sir D. Eccles

I have just received a report from the Secondary School Examinations Council which bears on that subject and I undertake to consider it very carefully.