HC Deb 27 July 1960 vol 627 cc1629-30
20. Mr. A. Roberts

asked the Postmaster-General what steps he proposes to take to improve the television and broadcasting reception over the whole of Yorkshire.

Mr. Bevins

The B.B.C. has recently opened an experimental low-power television station at Sheffield and will increase the power later this year. It intends to provide a V.H.F. sound station at Sheffield and a television station at Scarborough. The I.T.A. has it in mind to plan for additional stations but I do not yet know its detailed plans.

Mr. Roberts

While thanking the right hon. Gentleman for that reply, may I ask whether he appreciates that programmes received in that region are received in a very lukewarm way and that we feel that as a province we are being neglected? Will the right hon. Gentleman recognise that a county extending from the North Sea to within nine miles of the Irish Sea deserves far mire consideration than it is having from the British Broadcasting Corporation?

Mr. Bevins

I have a great affection for Yorkshire and I should like the British Broadcasting Corporation and the Independent Television Authority to do all they can to help viewers in that county. I am satisfied that both authorities are doing all they possibly can.

Mr. Darling

Did I understand the right hon. Gentleman to say that this low-power station is in operation in Sheffield? I can assure him that my constituents' reception has not improved yet.

Mr. Bevins

I said that the B.B.C. has recently opened an experimental low-power station which needs higher power. It will get higher power this year.