HC Deb 19 July 1960 vol 627 c218

Read the Third time and passed.

Mr. Shinwell

On a point of order. Do I understand, Mr. Speaker, that because of the time that has been spent in this procedure we shall have additional time after half-past three to make up for it?

Mr. Speaker

The right hon. Gentleman will remember that, under the existing Rules, Private Business may continue until a quarter to three. The time officially appointed for Questions does not begin until a quarter to three.

Mr. Manuel

Further to that point of order, Mr. Speaker. Is it possible—I am merely asking for my own information, with the greatest respect to you and to the Chair—that there is any other opportunity which could be taken by those who arrange these matters to deal with Private Business and matters of this kind other than at the beginning of Questions?

Mr. Speaker

If the Rules of the House were altered, it might be so.