HC Deb 18 July 1960 vol 627 cc3-4
5. Mr. F. Noel-Baker

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that there is still a shortage of maternity beds in Swindon; what steps he will take to provide more at the Kingshill Maternity Hospital; and what is the estimated cost of each new bed.

Miss Pitt

Yes, Sir. The Oxford Regional Hospital Board is about to start detailed planning on an extension to Kingshill Maternity Hospital. The estimated cost is about £2,000 per bed, excluding fees and equipment.

Mr. Noel-Baker

I thank the hon. Lady for that answer, but is she aware that there is growing anxiety about this matter and that, on Friday, for instance, the regional hospital board discussed it and there was a reference to the dangerous situation existing in Swindon? Will she accept that the urgent need is for more beds in Kingshill and also for a decision on what number of beds will be made available in the future for normal cases and what is to happen at the new hospital? Will the hon. Lady agree to allow me and one or two interested and qualified people to come towards the end of the Recess and talk to her about the situation?

Miss Pitt

I am perfectly happy to see the hon. Gentleman if he can fit it into my already very tight programme before we go into Recess. In the meantime, in reply to his supplementary question, I should tell him that a final estimate of the overall shortage of beds in the Swindon area depends on the county planning authority's estimate of the future population of Swindon. This estimate is at present being reviewed again.

Dr. Summerskill

In view of the alarming nature of the Report on maternal mortality between 1955 and 1957, which, I understand, the hon. Lady's Department is to publish at the end of the month—unfortunately, after the House has adjourned—will she agree that every effort should be made to meet my hon. Friend who is anxious to discuss maternity services and, indeed, all those people who put Questions on the Order Paper about these matters?

Miss Pitt

I have so offered. On tie main point of the right hon. Lady's supplementary question, there is a Question on the Order Paper.