HC Deb 13 July 1960 vol 626 cc1385-6
25. Mr. Teeling

asked the Postmaster-General why the Central Office of Information is the only Government office which does not have its telephone number in the latest edition of the London Telephone Directory.

Mr. Bevins

This is due to an unfortunate error, for which I am sorry. The Central Office of Information asked that their main entry should be transferred from the E to K part of the Directory (under "Information—Central Office of") to the A to D part (under "Central Office of Information"). These two parts are published at different times, and the operation went awry. The main C.O.I. entry will appear in the new A to D issue, to be published in October next.

Mr. Teeling

Have we not reached a pretty pass when the Ministry responsible for information in this country cannot check whether its own telephone number is in the telephone directory? Is it not possible—as publishers do—to put an erratum or some slip in the directory to make things easier?

An Hon. Member

The slip has been made.

Mr. Bevins

As has been said, the slip has already taken place. I gladly exonerate the Central Office of Information from this error. It is my responsibility. If my hon. Friend would like to know, the correct number is Waterloo 2345.

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