HC Deb 06 July 1960 vol 626 c443
35. Mr. Gough

asked the Postmaster-General what are the reasons for the delay in his negotiations with the West Sussex County Council regarding the lease of Post Office premises for use by the proposed county library at Crawley; and if he will make a statement.

Miss Pike

The County Council, the Post Office, and the Ordnance Survey will be sharing the use of this building, and the settlement of the details of the lease gave rise to some complications. I am sorry that it has all taken so long, but agreement on all points of substance has now been reached, and the Council took possession of its part of the premises on 25th June.

Mr. Gough

While I thank my hon. Friend for that reply, may I ask whether she is aware that there is very strong local feeling that the Post Office authorities have delayed this matter quite unnecessarily? Is she further aware that there is a strange coincidence between the agreement finally come to and the date on which I originally put this Question on the Order Paper?

Miss Pike

I realise that there has been some delay in this matter. It has been a very complicated one. On 25th March we suggested to the Council that it could take occupation in advance of formal agreement. It was not prepared to do that, however. The offer was repeated on 5th May and the Council took occupation on 25th June.