HC Deb 04 July 1960 vol 626 cc20-1
28. Mr. de Freitas

asked the Minister of Aviation what proportion of the work of British industry in adapting V-bombers to carry Skybolts will be undertaken in this country.

Mr. Sandys

All of it.

Mr. de Freitas

Does that mean that all the modifications of aircraft of any sort will be done in this country?

Mr. Sandys

All the modifications to the V-bombers required for adapting them for the use of Skybolt. It does not mean necessarily the electronic equipment associated with the weapon, which is of American manufacture, and will be purchased in America. That is really part of the weapon system, but modifications of the aircraft will be carried out here.

Mr. de Freitas

Since the electronic equipment, which is so important, and Skybolt will be made in the United States, will the Minister, in consultation with his right hon. Friend the Minister of Defence, get the Government to stop talking about this as an independent British deterrent when so much of it is entirely American made and produced?

Mr. Sandys

First, I do not say that all the electronic equipment will be made in America. But, on the broad issue, the fact that a weapon is manufactured in a foreign country does not alter our independence of action when we have that weapon installed on our aircraft under our own unrestricted control in this country. The hon. Gentleman is merely using this device to try to justify the tortuous workings of the Labour Party's defence policy.

Mr. Shinwell

Has the Minister not made a clear admission that the V-bombers will have to be adapted in order to use Skybolt? Is this not the first time that such an admission has been made by a member of the Government? As the admission clearly has been made, may I ask the right hon. Gentleman what this will cost and how long it will take?

Mr. Sandys

Obviously the right hon. Gentleman has not been a very regular attender in the House just lately. I cannot say exactly what it will cost. It will cost a very great deal less than Blue Streak would have cost.

Mr. Paget

Even if it be somewhat less, it will be a very expensive process to adapt these bombers. Will the right hon. Gentleman assure us that this will not be gene in for until we at least know whether Skybolt is to exist? It does not exist now, and there is no certainty that it ever will.

Mr. Sandys

A period of gestation must be allowed, and I have every reason to suppose and confidence to believe that this weapon will be effective. It embodies a very large number of proven components, and that is why we have such confidence in it.