HC Deb 27 January 1960 vol 616 cc146-8
43. Sir W. Wakefield

asked the Minister of Transport what additional off-street parking facilities are to be provided in St. Marylebone and Westminster during the next two years; and by what dates it is estimated that they will be available for use.

Mr. Marples

The provision of extra off-street parking facilities in this area is a matter for the local authorities and private enterprise. I know of several projects in various stages of progress involving a total provision of space for over 3,000 cars. I can make no certain forecast of how much will be completed in the next two years but expect that there will be at least 700 extra car spaces.

Sir W. Wakefield

Does the Minister agree that it is essential that adequate off-street parking facilities should be made available for the public at the same time as meters are installed? Will he take steps to increase the speed at which off-street parking facilities are provided by local authorities?

Mr. Marples

I shall do my best. I am to have consultations with the local authorities very shortly, and I shall impress on them the urgency of having off-street car parking.

Mr. Manuel

Would the right hon. Gentleman tell us how he will find time for all these considerations, reviews and examinations? Will he not come to some decision and clear his mind? He will not then lose patience with the Scots when they visit him with delegations.

Mr. Marples

I shall never lose my patience with the Scots, whose conduct is such that they would never try anybody. Somehow or other we will find the time for all these tasks, and I hope that I shall be able to do my best with some of the very complex issues with which we are faced. It is no use making a speedy decision if it is a wrong one. The main thing is that adequate consideration should take place.

44. Sir W. Wakefield

asked the Minister of Transport the estimated date for the completion of the installation of parking meters for the whole of the district north of Oxford Street in the Borough of St. Marylebone.

Mr. Marples

The St. Marylebone Metropolitan Borough Council has applied for an Order to extend its present parking meter scheme in the southwest corner of the Borough eastwards along the whole length of the north side of Oxford Street to the Borough boundary with St. Pancras; the northern boundary of the new zone would be New Cavendish Street. These proposals, together with objections duly made, will shortly be referred to the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee. Until the Committee has reported I clearly cannot say when this area will be included in a parking-meter scheme.

Sir W. Wakefield

Are there other steps which can be taken to speed up the installation of meters in this area rather than the long and protracted methods now in existence?

Mr. Marples

Not without new legislation. We are going as fast as we can under the statutory powers that this House gave the Ministry of Transport.

45. Sir W. Wakefield

asked the Minister of Transport what steps he is taking to ensure better utilisation of excessively wide pavements as lay-bys for omnibus stops, taxi waiting places and the loading and unloading of vehicles in the borough of St. Marylebone and in the City of Westminister.

Mr. Marples

I cannot make grants to Metropolitan Boroughs for minor improvement proposals of this kind. They are therefore entirely a matter for the councils concerned.

Sir W. Wakefield

May I ask the Minister what steps he proposes to take to provide this desirable assistance for the free flow of traffic and to prevent congestion taking place? As he knows, there is an excellent example of this in Great George Street, which is just round the corner from here. Traffic there is frequently impeded by cars stopping to pick up and set down passengers. Cannot something be done to speed up the whole matter?

Mr. Marples

Plans are now being considered for narrowing the pavement and increasing the width of the road in Great George Street.