HC Deb 24 February 1960 vol 618 cc348-9
6. Dr. Stross

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will appoint to the Factory Inspectorate inspectors who have professional qualifications in building construction or in civil engineering; to what extent such inspectors are now available in the divisions or districts; and whether he is aware that, in the recent inquest on the fatal and non-fatal accidents at Barton Bridge, the jury recommended that in all such projects the main contractors should appoint a fully-qualified technical or professional co-ordinating officer.

Mr. Heath

Inspectors with these qualifications are already in post. At present eleven inspectors have professional qualifications or equivalent academic qualifications in building or civil engineering. Seven of them are stationed in divisions or districts; the remainder are at headquarters but are available to help divisional or district staff when necessary.

The answer to the last part of the Question is "Yes, Sir."

Dr. Stross

Does the Minister remember that in answer to a similar Question, on 11th March last year, his predecessor told me that at that time there were no inspectors who were fully qualified either technically or professionally? Is it correct that since then only one inspector who is fully qualified, technically or professionally, has been appointed? Is the Minister aware that of the many thousands of inspections which are made each year, the great majority are made by inspectors who have no qualification whatsoever? Is it not time that this came to an end and that we stopped this façade and pretence of having properly qualified men, when they are not so qualified?

Mr. Heath

I could not accept the statement that the great majority of these inspections are carried out by men with no qualifications. In the short time I have been at the Ministry of Labour I have found that industry, trade unions and others have the greatest respect and admiration for the work of the Factory Inspectorate.

Mr. Prentice

Can the right hon. Gentleman tell the House what is the establishment of inspectors with this qualification and whether the numbers he has quoted are up to establishment? Is he satisfied that the establishment is sufficient, bearing in mind the representations which he has had from the T.U.C. and other bodies over a long period to appoint more inspectors with technical and professional qualifications?

Mr. Heath

The establishment at this moment is 448 or 450. It is not necessary for us to keep to a rigid number in each separate qualification or technical accomplishment. We have freedom to move as required. What I will do is to keep under consideration the number of inspectors with this qualification as these new regulations are published and come into operation.

Dr. Stross

On a point of order. In view of the unsatisfactory nature of that reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise the matter on the Adjournment.