HC Deb 24 February 1960 vol 618 cc377-8
Mr. Godber

I beg to move, in page 3, line 15, to leave out "in his application" and to insert at any time before the appropriate Minister has determined whether to approve his proposals". I do not think that we need dwell long on this Amendment. Again, it shows how accommodating the Government are concerning the wishes of the Opposition. In Committee, I gave an undertaking to consider this matter again, and this Amendment is the outcome. We have accepted a useful suggestion which was put forward by the Opposition. I hope that the Amendment will commend itself to the Committee.

Mr. Peart

The Government are doing well for a change. We thank them for conceding the point which we raised. My hon. Friend the Member for Aberavon (Mr. Morris) also raised this matter in Committee. We are pleased that the Government have been flexible and concede that we have made a constructive approach to the Bill.

Amendment agreed to.

Mr. Godber

I beg to move, in page 3, line 17, to leave out from "then" to the end of line 21 and to insert: so far as that operation is concerned the standard cost shall be substituted for actual or estimated cost for the purposes of subsections (1) or (2) and (4) of section one and subsection (1) of section two of this Act". This is a rather complicated Amendment, and I will endeavour to explain it as best I can. Clause 1 (4) provides that my right hon. Friend may not approve proposals unless he is satisfied that the cost of carrying them out will not be unreasonably high in relation to the benefit derived from them ‖ Clause 2 (1) provides for a scheme to prescribe a minimum amount that may qualify for grant. As Clause 3 is at present drafted, an applicant may elect to accept grant on the basis of standard costs, but the test to which I have referred would have to be applied to actual costs.

That is something which was not intended. This Amendment seeks to do away with that situation and provides that where an applicant elects to accept grant on the basis of standard costs the test will also be applied to standard costs. This is a practical solution. It is something of a drafting point, but I thought it necessary to explain it to the Committee. I hope that the Amendment will commend itself to the Committee.

Mr. Peart

We accept the Amendment.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.