HC Deb 15 February 1960 vol 617 cc944-5
30. Dr. D. Johnson

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware of the prevailing uncertainty as to the future of the post of medical superintendent in the mental hospital service; and whether he will make a statement on the action he proposes to take in the matter.

Mr. Walker-Smith

I am considering this matter and hope to be able to make a statement in the very near future.

Dr. Johnson

While thanking my right hon. and learned Friend for his reply, may I draw to his attention the fact that in at any rate one hospital, about which I can send him particulars, this uncertainty has had deleterious effects? Is he aware that it will be of immense benefit to the service as a whole if he can clarify the future, whatever it may be?

Mr. Walker-Smith

Yes, I do appreciate what my hon. Friend has said. At the same time, I am sure he will appreciate that this is a difficult problem, and that I have deliberately not rushed a decision because I have been anxious to take into account all the expressions of view which have been made to me since we had our very interesting discussions on this matter in general terms in Committee on the Mental Health Bill.

Mr. K. Robinson

As the Minister knows, there are widely differing views about this matter, and while I am not asking him to be too rigid in the advice he gives, may I ask him if he will bear in mind that the regional boards and hospital management committees will need some fairly definite guidance from the Minister on this very difficult matter?

Mr. Walker-Smith

I do appreciate that. Of course, the position is that by reason of the passage of the Mental Health Act, as the hon. Gentleman will know, the Superintendents of Mental Hospitals Regulations, which up to now have governed the position, cannot stand in their present form, so we have to work out a new pattern as best we may.

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