HC Deb 11 February 1960 vol 617 c632
8. Mr. Boyden

asked the Minister of Education if he will give grants in aid to local education authorities who wish to pay the fees of pupils entering for the examinations of the Northern Counties' Technical Examinations Council.

Sir D. Eccles

The whole question of the external examinations other than the G.C.E. is at present being reviewed by the Secondary Schools Examinations Council. I must wait for the Council's advice before considering any changes in the Regulations.

Mr. Boyden

The Minister of Education has the reputation for cutting through red tape and being in favour of the secondary modern schools. Does he not consider that on this occasion he could cut right through the red tape surrounding this examination and do a good deal to satisfy people in the North-East about it?

Sir D. Eccles

This is a very important question and, before too long, I think that we shall have this report on which a great deal of work is being done, I would advise the hon. Member to wait.

Mrs. White

Could the right hon. Gentleman say how long we shall have to wait? He will appreciate that examination policy in technical and secondary modern schools is extremely important and many people would like Government policy to be announced very soon.

Sir D. Eccles

I am also anxious for the report, but I have not received a definite date from the Committee.