HC Deb 21 December 1960 vol 632 cc1293-5
40. Mr. E. Johnson

asked the Minister of Transport if he will give details of the disadvantages of using the expanded metal anti-dazzle fence on M.1.

Mr. Hay

The main disadvantage is that the experimental screen encourages drivers not to dip their headlights, so increasing the danger and discomfort from dazzle in the driving mirror from the headlights of following vehicles. The screen itself only gives protection against glare from approaching headlights. In certain conditions it may help to form snowdrifts. It also detracts from the appearance of the motorway.

Mr. Johnson

Does not my hon. Friend agree that glare from the headlights of a car following one is a much less serious matter than glare from the headlights of a car coming towards one? Cannot the former be largely mitigated by the use of a rear-view mirror, which prevents that type of glare?

Mr. Hay

That is a problem of design, which strictly speaking is not for my right hon. Friend. However, I think I should tell my hon. Friend that we are still monitoring this experiment. The Road Research Laboratory is engaged in carrying this work out for us, and we have by no means finally made up our minds about it. My hon. Friend asked for some of the disadvantages, and I have tried to state these.

Mr. G. Wilson

Is my hon. Friend aware that many motorists in fact like this dazzle screen and that there have been many expressions of approval of it?

Mr. Hay

I know that there are a number of conflicting viewpoints about it.

Mr. Paget

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that I use this road very often and always look forward to this section enormously? I find it of tremendous advantage.

Mr. Hay

I am glad to hear it.

Mr. Hocking

Is my hon. Friend aware, as the hon. and learned Member for Northampton (Mr. Paget) said, that this is the only safe section of the road and that those of us who use it almost weekly, as some of us do, look forward to it? If the Minister does not like the design of the metal screen, would it not be possible to plant a hedge, which would serve exactly the same purpose and tone in with the surroundings?

Mr. Hay

This is being considered as well. The Road Research Laboratory is monitoring an experiment in connection with this problem. The Laboratory will in due course let us have its views, and we shall be able to make up our minds.