HC Deb 19 December 1960 vol 632 c861
11. Mr. Lipton

asked the Minister of Health to what extent hospitals buy drugs from the Continent rather than British and American drugs; and what savings are effected thereby.

Mr. Powell

Purchases of drugs from overseas by hospitals are very small. I regret that precise totals are not available.

Mr. Lipton

In view of the fact that expenditure by hospitals on drugs amounts to about £13 million a year at the moment, will the Minister at least encourage hospitals to buy their drugs on the Continent if in that way they can save public funds?

Mr. Powell

Of course, these purchases are likely to raise questions of royalties and other matters arising out of the Patent Acts.

Mr. Arbuthnot

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind the long-term effect which the action which is being urged on him could have on the future of the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in the light of the conclusions reached in paragraphs 257 and 258 of the Hinchliffe Committee's Report, which stress the importance of patent protection to the country's export markets, the discovery of new drugs, and the cost of prescribing?

Mr. Powell

I agree with my hon. Friend that this is a very complex matter, and that a one-sided view must not be taken of it.

Mr. Lipton

Is the Minister aware that the Crown has very important powers under the Patents Act, 1949, which should induce him not to be too afraid of what the hon. Member for Dover (Mr. Arbuthnot) has just said?

Mr. Powell

The points which my hon. Friend has made are some of the considerations, but not all of them.