HC Deb 12 December 1960 vol 632 c14
18. Mr. Skeffington

asked the Minister of Aviation in what circumstances a jet aircraft intended for London Airport landed at Northolt on 25th October.

Mr. Rippon

The Boeing 707 was making a radar-sequenced approach to London Airport in conditions of good visibility for a landing. Eleven miles from the airport the pilot reported to the Radar Director that he had the runway in sight and was cleared to make a visual approach. This is the usual practice. The pilot apparently made a mistake in identifying his aerodrome and landed at Northolt.

Mr. Skeffington

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that everyone is glad that no harm resulted from this incident, but there is considerable perturbation among not only residents but the local authorities that such an accident should take place? Is it a fact that on this occasion the pilot mistook one of the numerous gasholders, and, if that is so, is it not time that these arrangements were revised so that a tragic event does not occur at some time?

Mr. Rippon

I think it will be found that this was quite an exceptional case, but as an experiment it has been decided that in future radar will give guidance to aircraft to a point nearer the airport.