HC Deb 07 December 1960 vol 631 cc1257-8
32. Mr. Ainsley

asked the Postmaster-General what arrangements are being made this year to meet the demands of the Christmas mail within the Crook and Willington Urban District, County Durham.

The Assistant Postmaster-General (Miss Mervyn Pike)

We are making similar arrangements to those which we had last Christmas and the year before, but if the hon. Member has any particular point in mind and will let me know I shall be glad to look into it.

Mr. Ainsley

Is the hon. Lady aware that there was dissatisfaction with the arrangements which were made last year when the stamping machine was removed from the Crook sorting office, when business people complained of letters being delayed up to five days, and when postal drafts to people receiving Health Insurance and Industrial Injury benefits were delayed until the following week at the Christmas period, causing unnecessary suffering and delay?

Miss Pike

These arrangements were made so that we could make the best use of the staff and facilities available because of the tremendously heavy increase in mail at Christmas time. I think the hon. Gentleman will agree that, by making the best possible use of facilities, we are doing all we can to alleviate the very difficult problems he mentions, which are inevitable in view of the heavy mail at Christmas.

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