§ Mr. de Freitasasked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware of the recent official report by a committee of experts concerning the dangers of heat radiation from forward-scatter stations; and what steps he is taking to meet this problem at the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation forward-scatter stations in this country.
§ Mr. Fletcherasked the Secretary of State for Air, how many North Atlantic Treaty Organisation forward-scatter radio links are being set up in the United Kingdom; and what safety precautions he is introducing to protect the public against the dangers of intense radio-frequency radiation that are inherent in the operation of such stations.
Mr. WardFive N.A.T.O. forward-scatter stations are being set up in the United Kingdom. The small areas within which radiation is above the recommended safe level will be fenced off. Special arrangements will be made for the operating and servicing staffs.
§ Mr. de FreitasDoes the Secretary of State remember that in November, 1958, his Under-Secretary told the House that there was no danger whatsoever from the radiation of these stations? How is it that hon. Members and the radio correspondents of a number of newspapers, such as The Times, were so much better informed than the Minister?
Mr. WardI am afraid I do not know how The Times gets its information; but certainly, so far as the Royal Air Force is concerned, the area immediately in front of the antennae, which will in no case be more than 100 yards and in some cases very much less, will be fenced off, and therefore there will be no danger.
§ Mr. FletcherIs it not now quite clear that S.H.A.P.E. attempted to minimise the hazards due to these stations and that the danger not only to the staffs operating therein but to the public over a much wider area is much greater than the House was led to believe? In view of this, will not the Minister reconsider his whole decision on this matter and the precautions which ought to be taken?
Mr. WardI am informed that the only danger is where the field strength of radiation exceeds 10 milliwatts per sq. cm. This area is very small, as I have explained. As to the people working on the stations, special precautions will be taken, as I said in my original answer.