HC Deb 13 April 1960 vol 621 c1231
Mr. Kershaw

I beg to present to this House a Petition on behalf of more than 200 of my constituents of the parish of Brookthorpe with Whaddon who are or are likely to be affected by the proposal in the British Transport Commission Bill, which is before this House at the present time, for the establishment of a marshalling yard on the east side of the railway near to Gloucester. This Petition is signed by more than 200 of the parish who represent some 95 per cent. of those people who will be affected. Their Petition is that the marshalling yard should be not on the east side but the west side of the railway line where land is available, which is not valuable agricultural land, as it is on the east side, and which is largely held by the Air Ministry and is convenient and which it is possible for the British Transport Commission to use, instead of the valuable agricultural land at Whaddon. The Petition says: And your Petitioners pray that your Honourable House will not pass that Dart of the Bill which would allow a marshalling yard to be constructed in Brookthorpe with Whaddon. And Your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.

To lie upon the Table.

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