HC Deb 12 April 1960 vol 621 cc1079-80
38. Mr. W. Hamilton

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how much was paid out by Fife County Council in improvement grants in each of the last four years.

Mr. Maclay

The sums paid by the County Council in each of the four years up to 15th May, 1959, were £39,707, £46,128, £38,583 and £53,322 respectively.

Mr. Hamilton

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this represents a quite intolerable burden on the ratepayers in Fife? Further, is he aware that, for instance, Sir John Gilmour has had in the last four years £5,110 in improvement grants, and Major Sir Robert Spencer Nairn has had £4,496, and that they are both prominent Tories? May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether, in the interests of the ratepayers, he will ask the county council, or give it authority, to ask these people to apply to the National Assistance Board so that they get improvement grants on the same basis as the old-age pensioners get theirs?

Mr. Maclay

I would be very glad if the hon. Member would ask the people living in the houses which have been improved whether they resent the improvements done to them, and I would further point out to him that 540 dwellings have been brought up to date and given a further lease of useful life for the average expenditure from public funds of £330 per dwelling. I consider that to be really valuable work.

Mr. Hamilton

Can the right hon. Gentleman say how and why the houses got into such a deplorable condition?

Mr. Maclay

The hon. Member knows very well that during the time his own party was in power, nothing like enough was done to repair this kind of property.

Mr. T. Fraser

Has the right hon. Gentleman so far forgotten himself as not to realise that these grants are provided under an Act passed by a Labour Government—the Housing (Scotland) Act of 1949?

Mr. Maclay

Yes, Sir, but what I regret very much is that much more use was not made of it during that Government's period of office.

Mr. Hamilton

In view of the very unsatisfactory nature of the reply, and in order to save public money, I give notice that I shall endeavour to raise this matter on the Motion for the Adjournment.