HC Deb 06 April 1960 vol 621 cc359-60
4. Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Minister of Defence what decision has now been reached regarding the proposed North Atlantic Treaty Organisation base at Stornoway; whether he will now reconsider his refusal to undertake that no nuclear warhead will be landed or stored there; and if he will give an assurance that West German forces will not have access to, or training and operational facilities in, the area.

Mr. Watkinson

No decision has yet been reached.

Mr. MacMillan

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of certain statements being made by responsible Ministers of the West German Government about their intentions for the reunification of Germany by any means? Why should the British Government, who themselves have to push our own bases, because of lack of space, out into the Atlantic islands, offer them space for bases at this time? Why should the British Government persist in offering space now for the training of General Speidel's troops when we have not enough space for our own purposes, especially as we know perfectly well that Speidel and the rest of them are committed to the reunification of Germany by methods which may well drive us, as well as Germany, into a nuclear world war?

Mr. Watkinson

That could not be a more harmful supplementary question. [HON. MEMBERS: "Why?"] I will explain why. It is not based on the facts. The present Democratic Government of the Federal Republic of Germany want, and constantly express their desire, to have their defences so integrated with those of the West that she could never, even if she so wished, take independent action. That is a course of policy which this country should strongly support.

Lieut.-Commander Maydon

Is my hon. Friend aware that there are a great many people, both in the House and in this country, who wish to see Western Germany as an equal partner in the N.A.T.O. alliance?

Mr. Watkinson

I agree entirely with that, and it is in the interests of peace as well as in the long-term interest of our own country.

Mr. MacMillan

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that he has completely warped the purpose of the Question? What we are trying to do is to divorce the two German elements, to discredit the resurgent Nazi and militaristic element in Germany, and not to discredit the legitimate German Government and the ordinary German people. We are deliberately trying to separate them in the interests of the Germans themselves, whom we want to see integrated with the rest of the West in every constructive and peaceful activity, but not with rifles and nuclear bombers.

Mr. Watkinson

I am very glad that the hon. Gentleman, therefore, supports the present policy of Her Majesty's Government.