HC Deb 06 April 1960 vol 621 c371
15. Mr. Malcolm MacMillan

asked the Minister of Defence to what extent, under the terms of the offer of Her Majesty's Government to the West German Government and other North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Governments of the use of bases and other areas in this country for military training, it is intended to permit German personnel to train in the firing of the Honest John and Corporal tactical nuclear missiles.

Mr. Watkinson

As the House is aware, the use of the Hebrides missile range for a limited period has been offered to N.A.T.O. So far, no specific proposals have been received for its use by the forces of any particular N.A.T.O. country.

Mr. MacMillan

While congratulating the Germans on perhaps having better sense than Her Majesty's Government in this respect, may I ask if the right hon. Gentleman will refer to a recent speech made by the Secretary of State for War, when he said that the greatest danger is not a conflict directly between the great Powers but one arising out of some explosive quarrel of some other Power? And is he not now, through the Government's policy, putting Germany in the position of being trained in the use of nuclear weapons which will soon be in their hands from the Americans? Is not that creating a situation in which we put ourselves in the greatest danger, which we are not able to control even within N.A.T.O.

Mr. Watkinson

The Question is upon the use of the missile range in the Hebrides which has been offered to N.A.T.O. There has been some evidence to show that the inhabitants there are not entirely averse from it.