HC Deb 30 November 1959 vol 614 cc856-7

As air traffic over the United Kingdom increases, the noise of aircraft tends to become an ever-growing nuisance particularly to those who live near airports.

The noise heard on the ground decreases considerably as an aircraft's height is increased, and as a result it is in general true that at heights above 3,000 feet little disturbance results. The noise problem is thus in the main concerned with aircraft taking-off or approaching to land.

In furtherance of the Minister's policy of reducing disturbance from aircraft noise to a minimum, noise and height surveys are now being carried out regularly, and especially around London Airport. Whilst the results of these surveys provide convincing evidence that aircraft do not in general fly lower than necessary, pilots are nevertheless reminded that every effort should be made to cause as little disturbance as possible, particularly when landing or taking off.

Pilots should in general:—

  1. (a) when approaching to land maintain an altitude of at least 1,500 feet above the aerodrome until within five miles of the threshold and thereafter not deviate substantially from the angle of approach they would follow when using ILS or GCA.
  2. (b) when taking-off, climb as soon as possible to at least 1,500 feet above aerodrome level.

The climb technique which will result in the least disturbance will depend on the aircraft concerned, and pilots should therefore be fully conversant with the optimum flight path to be followed for their particular aircraft.

Pilots are warned that legal proceedings may be instituted if there is evidence that the Rules of Air and Air Traffic Control have been contravened.

Ministry of Aviation,

11th November, 1959.