HC Deb 30 November 1959 vol 614 cc853-4
7. Mr. Rankin

asked the Minister of Power if he has studied the letter, a copy of which was sent to him by the hon. Member for Govan, on the subject of charges for gas; and whether he will give the Scottish Gas Board a general direction to give consumers more details of charges imposed by the Board.

9 and 10. Mr. Ross

asked the Minister of Power (1) whether any representations have been made to him by the Scottish Gas Consultative Council under Section 9 (6) of Gas Act, 1948;

(2) whether he is aware that the charging system of the Scottish Gas Board is not being operated in accordance with Section 53 (4) of the Gas Act, 1948; and if he will accordingly give a general direction to the Board to review it.

12. Mr. Dempsey

asked the Minister of Power whether he will give a general direction to the Scottish Gas Board to review the operation of its charges system.

22. Mr. Willis

asked the Minister of Power what general directions have been given to the Scottish Gas Board in connection with fixing its tariff of charges.

Mr. Wood

It is the duty of the Gas Consultative Councils to consider complaints which arise from variations of gas tariffs. I have asked the Chairman of the Scottish Gas Consultative Council to consider the letter sent to me by the hon. Gentleman the Member for Govan (Mr. Rankin), and I will draw his attention also to the points raised by other hon. Members. If representations were made to me by the Council under Section 9 (6) of the Gas Act I would naturally consider them.

Mr. Rankin

While thanking the right hon. Gentleman for that reply, may I ask whether he would not also agree that when the Scottish Gas Board issues its accounts, the charges should be clearly specified and a description of the new charge made? Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that because of that lack a great deal of confusion has been caused in Scotland by this new charge? Is he aware that some officials say that it is a meter charge and others that it is a new type of tariff and that members of the public just say it is an imposition? Which is correct?

Mr. Wood

This is a matter for the Scottish Gas Consultative Council to discuss with the Board. That seems to be the obvious steps to take, and if the Council feels that there are difficulties of the kind which the hon. Member mentioned it should then take action.

Mr. Ross

Should not the Minister be aware that there is a considerable outcry in Scotland, and certainly in West Scotland, about the new charge? Has not the right hon. Gentleman an obligation under Section 53 of the Gas Act, 1948, without reference to the Consultative Council, and does not Section 53 (4) provide that … tariffs shall be so framed as to show the methods by which and the principles on which the charges are to be made … and shall be published in such manner as in the opinion of the Area Board will secure adequate publicity for them? Is not it a fact that people knew nothing about these charges until they read about them in their bills and even after that they could not understand them? Does not that show that Section 53 has not been carried out, and will the Minister do his duty without reference to any other body at all?

Mr. Wood

It is not for me to determine the legality or otherwise of matters under Section 53 (4). If the hon. Member takes the view that the Act has not been carried out, the obvious remedy is open to him.

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