HC Deb 26 November 1959 vol 614 c532

1. Every River Board would have the power to levy a general drainage charge on all agricultural land within its area outside internal drainage districts. Such land does not contribute towards the cost of land drainage through River Board precepts on county authorities and internal drainage boards. But the new drainage charge would be the equivalent (as nearly as possible) of the River Board's precept on county authorities in its area and would be intended for use primarily for extensions of main river or additional work on existing main river.

2. When a River Board considers that there is a special agricultural need, it may put forward to the Minister of Agriculture. Fisheries and Food proposals for a special charge on agricultural land outside internal drainage districts. This special charge could apply to either the whole or part of the River Board area concerned. The revenue from this charge would be reserved for carrying out drainage work on selected watercourses, and proposals under this head would be approved by the Minister only if he were satisfied, after considering any objections and the report of any public inquiry, that a good case had been made out.

3. The total charge (i.e. the general charge plus any special charge) would not exceed 1s. in the £ on the gross annual value for "Schedule A".