§ 21. Mr. Dugdaleasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies how many people are now rusticated for political offences; and what principles are applied by Her Majesty's Government in deciding how long their rustication shall continue.
§ Mr. Iain MacleodRestriction orders are imposed by Colonial Governments on grounds of public security, and remain in force, subject to regular review, so long as a threat to public security continues. I am asking the Governments concerned for a return of the number of orders currently in force and will then communicate with the hon. Member.
§ Mr. DugdaleDoes the Colonial Secretary himself make inquiry from time to time as to whether the number is increasing or decreasing? Is he keeping an eye on this matter to see that the number affected decreases rather than increases in future?
§ Mr. MacleodYes, I do keep an eye on it in these territories that are most under the microscope, as it were, at the present time, but I can answer the Question in full only by asking all the Governments where these sort of ordinances exist.
§ Mr. J. HyndIs it not very embarrassing to our representatives at the United Nations when they are discussing problems in other countries to be faced with the charge that we ourselves are responsible for locking up so many people for political offences without trial?
§ Mr. MacleodThis matter is related to rustication and restriction.