HC Deb 24 November 1959 vol 614 cc176-7
36. Mr. G. M. Thomson

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what progress is being made with the technical institute in Nairobi; and to what extent the Government of Kenya are considering the implementation of the suggestions made in the report of the working party on higher education in East Africa.

Mr. Iain Macleod

On the first part of the Question, work has now begun on the new technical institute building with the help of a £65,000 C.D. & W. grant.

On the second part, the East African Governments accept the recommendations of the Working Party on High Education in East Africa that there should be a University of East Africa comprising three inter-territorial university colleges, of which the reconstituted Royal Technical College will be one, and they are now studying the financial and other implications of the recommendations with a view to preparing a phased programme acceptable to all three Territories.

Mr. Thomson

While thanking the right hon. Gentleman for that Answer, may I ask him whether he agrees that the success of these important recommendations will depend on the generosity with which the Government make grants from Colonial Development and Welfare funds?

Mr. Macleod

It will in part. There are many other factors as well. I hope soon to be able to announce the amount of financial provision for the Royal Technical College.

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