HC Deb 18 November 1959 vol 613 c1153
25. Mr. Warbey

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will make available in a White Paper the reports of the Armaments Control Agency of Western European Union on their inspection of West German arms production.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

No, Sir. These reports are secret.

Mr. Warbey

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that many people, including many of my hon. and right hon. Friends, were induced to accept German armament only by the argument that it would be subject to control in the framework of Western European Union and the revised Brussels Treaty? Is it not, therefore, very important that we should know the extent to which the British Government are conniving at the gradual evasion on the restriction of German armaments and armament production?

Mr. Lloyd

I am glad to hear the hon. Gentleman's endorsement of the policy of German rearmament, subject to that qualification. Much of the information which he seeks is contained in the Annual Report of the W.E.U. Council to the Assembly. The last Annual Report is in the Library, and I suggest that the hon. Member studies it.

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