HC Deb 17 November 1959 vol 613 c965
29. Captain Pilkington

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs what consultation he is having with the Electricity Authority in order to prevent the danger to health arising from the fall-out of oil smuts from Poole Power Station on the surrounding neighbourhood.

Sir K. Joseph

The Chief Alkali Inspector has for some time been consulting with the Central Electricity Generating Board on this problem of oily smuts. The Board have put further work in hand at Poole to reduce the nuisance there. A complete answer is being urgently sought by research.

Captain Pilkington

Is my hon. Friend aware that on occasion there comes from this power station a blanket of soot and grease particles which burns clothes and ruins gardens and cars—I am quoting from the Poole Herald—and will he impress on the Authority that a really drastic solution of the problem is needed?

Sir K. Joseph

With the best will in the world, this is a difficult technical problem to solve. It has been in the hands of the Alkali Inspectorate since June last year. The Inspectorate has been, and is, and will be in the closest touch with the Electricity Authority, and work is now in hand which should prevent a recurrence of the bad September incident.