HC Deb 17 November 1959 vol 613 cc954-5
11. Mr. G. Thomas

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs what was the date on which he sent to Mr. J. M. Davidson of Swanbridge, Glamoganshire, a complete list of Cardiff rural district councillors who had declared an interest in planning applications to the authority on which they served; and what reply he has sent to subsequent correspondence from Mr. Davidson.

The Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs (Mr. Henry Brooke)

My Welsh Office sent to Mr. Davidson on 4th December, 1958, a list covering applications determined by the Cardiff Rural District Council. The Council sent him a further list on 2nd January, 1959, covering also appli- cations made to them but determined by the Glamorgan County Council. I have had no communication from Mr. Davidson since then about these lists.

Mr. Thomas

Is the Minister aware that that is probably because Mr. Davidson has lost faith? Is he further aware that Mr. Davidson walked out of a public inquiry because he felt that he had not been given the information which the Minister told me in this House he was going to give this gentleman? Will the right hon. Gentleman look again into this case, because it is a very longstanding case with a deeply felt grievance?

Mr. Brooke

I am very sorry that Mr. Davidson, having been given all the information for which he asked, then said it was not sufficient and walked out of a public inquiry in which, had he stayed, he would have been able to express his views.